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Regenerative and Nature-based Education for thriving People, Environment and Regions 1280 720 Circonnact

Regenerative and Nature-based Education for thriving People, Environment and Regions

Author: Vanessa Vivian Wabitsch “Education is the most important tool to change the world.” Luis Camargo In this Regenerative World podcast episode international expert Luis Camargo, in regenerative and nature-based education and founder of OpEPA speaks about the significance of education for enhanced quality of life and addressing environmental, social and economic challenges around the…

INNO4CFIs Project 1080 810 Circonnact

INNO4CFIs Project

Regenerative Carbon Farming Our project INNO4CFIs is promoting innovation for carbon farming with a positive impact on the environment, climate and local communities in 13 European regions. INNO4CFIs – “Nature-Based Business Model and Emerging Innovations to enhance  Carbon Farming Initiatives (CFIs) while preserving Biodiversity, Water  Security and Soil Health”,co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund…

Circular City Challenge 2.0 1080 810 Circonnact

Circular City Challenge 2.0

The Circular City Challenge is an innovation project by Circonnact, Circular Berlin, Circular Munich and Materialkreislauf that aims to bring circular solutions to cities. The goal is to support their implementation locally and to increase the quality of life by contributing to climate neutrality and urban transformation. After the success in 2022, the project will…

Regenerative Leadership – The key to a circular economy in harmony with people and nature 1920 946 Circonnact

Regenerative Leadership – The key to a circular economy in harmony with people and nature

The change towards a circular economy requires regenerative leadership skills to embed regenerative and circular practices into organizations, communities, and regions in a sustainable way. It starts with each person, who embodies regeneration and brings it to life in their environment. This leads to creating ripple effects on the community, organization, and socio-economic systems. During…

Embrace – Regenerative Tourism Implementation Support 1400 900 Circonnact

Embrace – Regenerative Tourism Implementation Support

Since March 2023, Vanessa Vivian Wabitsch from Circonnact has had the honor of supporting the implementation of the Destination regeneration plan by Whidbey and Camano Islands Tourism, Washington State, USA as Regenerative Tourism Lead with the Transformational Travel Council.  In 2022, Whidbey and Camano Island Tourism started their journey to develop future-fit islands by regenerative…

How to Catalyze Positive Change by Regenerative Tourism with Dianne Dredge 1000 646 Circonnact

How to Catalyze Positive Change by Regenerative Tourism with Dianne Dredge

Author: Vanessa Vivian Wabitsch For decades we are talking about the topic of climate change and sustainability – and the development of sustainable systems is still happening too slow. By leading tourism and economy in a regenerative way we can activate change. The regenerative tourism and policy expert Dianne Dredge elaborates on how to develop…

Indigenous wisdom, Regenerative Tourism and the Amazon with Ramiro Vargas 1080 810 Circonnact

Indigenous wisdom, Regenerative Tourism and the Amazon with Ramiro Vargas

Author: Vanessa Vivian Wabitsch How to live aligned with nature and create a regenerative economy that enables a good living standard and is nature-positive? This is the key question when developing a sustainable, circular and regenerative economy, businesses, technologies, cities and regions. Indigenous people have tremendous knowledge and wisdom which is important to integrate in…

Embark on a journey around a regenerative world 1200 800 Circonnact

Embark on a journey around a regenerative world

Author: Vanessa Vivian Wabitsch A world where people, nature, and the economy thrive.  We invite you on a journey around a regenerative world – a world where people live aligned with nature and flourish personally, socially and economically. On the monthly published blogcast (podcast and blog) Regenerative World, you will meet experts who live and…

Circular City Challenge – Final event Vienna 1200 800 Circonnact

Circular City Challenge – Final event Vienna

Wie sieht deine Stadt von morgen aus? Wir leben in spannenden Zeiten – der Zeit zur Transformation von einem linearen zum zirkulären System. Lerne zirkuläre Lösungen am 9./10. Juni in Wien Mitte, The Mall kennen! Wir freuen uns attraktive zirkuläre Lösungen bei der finalen Ausstellung der Circular City Challenge zu zeigen! Diese wurden während der…

Circle17 Impacthon – Hackathon for circularity 1200 616 Circonnact

Circle17 Impacthon – Hackathon for circularity

The Circle17 Impacthon is a 3-day Hackathon organized by AustrianStartups and respACT. Purpose is to bring together Innovators and Startups with established corporates and organizations. They strive to solve pressing challenges in the area of circular economy to achieve the SDG. This year Circonnact accompanied the Hackathon with tools and personal engagement. 8 Challenges had been…

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