Legal Notice

Disclosures pursuant to § 25 of the Austrian Media Act (Mediengesetz), § 14 of the Austrian Commercial Act (Unternehmensgesetzbuch) and § 5 of the Austrian E-Commerce Act (E-Commerce-Gesetz).

Circonnact – Regenerative Circularity
Climate Lab, Spittelauer Lände 45
1090 Vienna, Austria
ZVR: 1570416004
Phone: +43 664 886 73 863

Cironnact is organized as a non-for-profit association under Austrian law with headquarters in Vienna. Circonnact’s mission is to promote circular economy locally and globally. Objectives are to co-create circular solutions with people, companies and city ecosystems to ensure economic, human and environmental well-being.

Board: Vanessa Vivian Wabitsch and Andreas Ellenberger

Copyright and related rights

This website is a communication medium for customers, partners and anyone interested in our services and in the topic of circular economy. The content on the website and the brand including the logo are protected by copyright, and unless otherwise stated is owned by Circonnact. Circonnact does the best efforts to check the accuracy of the information and keep the website updated. Nevertheless, Circonnact does not take responsibility for the information and opinions published on this website. All links to external websites are carefully chosen. Since Circonnact does not have influence on the content on external websites, Circonnact does not take responsibility for it.

Join the glocal Circonnact community

Get inspired at our events and workshops.
Connect with people and co-create circular solutions.
Act to make urban circularity a reality.


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