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Regenerative Leadership – The key to a circular economy in harmony with people and nature 1920 946 Circonnact

Regenerative Leadership – The key to a circular economy in harmony with people and nature

The change towards a circular economy requires regenerative leadership skills to embed regenerative and circular practices into organizations, communities, and regions in a sustainable way. It starts with each person, who embodies regeneration and brings it to life in their environment. This leads to creating ripple effects on the community, organization, and socio-economic systems. During…

Circular City Challenge – Final event Vienna 1200 800 Circonnact

Circular City Challenge – Final event Vienna

Wie sieht deine Stadt von morgen aus? Wir leben in spannenden Zeiten – der Zeit zur Transformation von einem linearen zum zirkulären System. Lerne zirkuläre Lösungen am 9./10. Juni in Wien Mitte, The Mall kennen! Wir freuen uns attraktive zirkuläre Lösungen bei der finalen Ausstellung der Circular City Challenge zu zeigen! Diese wurden während der…

Circle17 Impacthon – Hackathon for circularity 1200 616 Circonnact

Circle17 Impacthon – Hackathon for circularity

The Circle17 Impacthon is a 3-day Hackathon organized by AustrianStartups and respACT. Purpose is to bring together Innovators and Startups with established corporates and organizations. They strive to solve pressing challenges in the area of circular economy to achieve the SDG. This year Circonnact accompanied the Hackathon with tools and personal engagement. 8 Challenges had been…

Circular Solutions for Entrepreneurship 1920 1440 Circonnact

Circular Solutions for Entrepreneurship

On 10 November 2021 Circonnact has contributed to the 7th Entrepreneurship Summit Austria, hosted by the Initiative for Teaching Entrepreneurship, IFTE. Andreas Ellenberger and Vanessa Vivian Wabitsch have conducted the workshop “Circular Canvas for entrepreneurship” with teachers and students to integrate circular economy in their entrepreneurial practices in schools. Circular solutions allow to use capacities…

Circular Food in Vienna 1920 700 Circonnact

Circular Food in Vienna

Interested in food that is good for people and the environment? Learn about circular food solutions in Vienna and contribute to the transition to circular food! In the course of the Circular Cities Week 2021 of the Circular Economy Club, Circonnact organizes the circular field trip & workshop “Circular food: Regenerative and healthy nutritions in…

Regenerative Travel Experience at Green Festival 1920 1280 Circonnact

Regenerative Travel Experience at Green Festival

Discover how to travel in a way that is good for people, economy and the environment! Regenerative travel promotes sustainability and goes beyond – it adds value and recreates people, communities, economy and nature. Circonnact hosts a Regenerative Travel Experience at the European Biomimicry Conference Green Festival from 5 – 7 November 2021 organized by…

Co-design workshop: How to travel regeneratively? 2560 1707 Circonnact

Co-design workshop: How to travel regeneratively?

Traveling is natural. How can we travel in a way that is good for people, economy and environment? During this “Co-design workshop: How to travel regeneratively” on 21 September organized by Circonnact, sustainability and travel enthusiasts and experts will learn about the regenerative travel principles and solutions developed by the nature-inspired innovation project Wandering Gliders.…

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