On 10 November 2021 Circonnact has contributed to the 7th Entrepreneurship Summit Austria, hosted by the Initiative for Teaching Entrepreneurship, IFTE. Andreas Ellenberger and Vanessa Vivian Wabitsch have conducted the workshop “Circular Canvas for entrepreneurship” with teachers and students to integrate circular economy in their entrepreneurial practices in schools.
Circular solutions allow to use capacities and resources in an optimal way. We explored various solutions for IT systems in schools at the workshop. These IT solutions are simple changes in processes, yet have a big impact. We need some changes and adaptations in the system and courageous and enthusiastic people to implemented them.
In addition, Andreas presented with the Cradle to Cradle NGO how to apply this school of thought in entrepreneurship teaching, together with Prof. Günter Faltin who has started various initiatives to show how problems can be solved with entrepreneurial spirit.
Working with IFTE and supporting entrepreneurship education with circular thinking is crucial for us, as there is still a lack in seeing sustainability as a driver for innovation. We have already been supporting as mentor and expert during Youth Entrepreneurship Weeks when schoolkids work on solutions for problems in their environment and develop sustainable and business oriented ways forward. It is very enriching talking to young people with fresh ideas who learn to structure their offer and convince partners to support them. They learn to pitch their idea, and this is a skill they can use in other areas as well.