The Circular City Challenge is a project to connect existing innovative circular solutions with city representatives for the transition of a linear to a circular economy. The goal is to support their implementation locally and to increase the quality of life with conscious and careful use of resources. In 2022 this project has been started by Circonnact as local coordinators for Vienna with the organizers of Circular Berlin, Circular Munich and Materialkreislauf in the cities of Berlin, Vienna, Munich and Stuttgart.
We identified local challenges together with local partners like the DoTank Circular City and WieNeu+ for city development, representatives from the 8th district (Bezirksvorstehung Josefstadt & Agenda Josefstadt), and project developers such as Zukunftshof and dieHauswirtschaft. Local promotion partners like Impact Hub, Vienna Business Agency, The Mall, What about the Future, Circular Economy Forum Austria and Thinkubator helped to spread the word and activate their network to distribute the idea.
During inspiring webinars supported by Ellen MacArthur Foundation, Circle Economy and the Circular Economy Chairman for Prague we gathered momentum and motivated more than 100 applications of solutions at least in the status of implementation concept. The local partner chose their most appealing ideas and at the end of April which will be pitched. One important factor is that we are not looking for “the best solution” because we think every applicant already is a winner.
We support to implement the solutions by providing visibility of the solutions and engaging stakeholders such as city representatives, companies and citizens. In Vienna, we organize the final event “Circular City Challenge – Wie sieht deine Stadt von morgen aus?” on 9 & 10 June 2022 in the center of Vienna at The Mall to showcase the variety of circular solutions, activate their uptake, educate and connect companies, citizens and city stakeholders.
If you want to support us in further developing the project, please contact Andreas or Vanessa.