
INNO4CFIs Project

INNO4CFIs Project 1080 810 Circonnact

Regenerative Carbon Farming

Our project INNO4CFIs is promoting innovation for carbon farming with a positive impact on the environment, climate and local communities in 13 European regions. INNO4CFIs – “Nature-Based Business Model and Emerging Innovations to enhance  Carbon Farming Initiatives (CFIs) while preserving Biodiversity, Water  Security and Soil Health”,co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund I3 instrument, led by Fondazione E. Amaldi, consists of 14 partners representing the innovation ecosystem of 8 European countries (IT, GR, SP, BE, NL, IE, AT, DE).

We at Circonnact – Regenerative Circularity are leading the work package Dissemination and Sustainability promoting the communication of the project and fostering fruitful collaborations to support the market uptake beyond project-time.

The aim of INNO4CFIs is to promote carbon farming and nature-based business models, technology and innovation to increase CO2 uptake while nurturing vital environmental benefits like freshwater production, soil restoration, and biodiversity enhancement. With a focus on carbon farming initiatives and reforestation, the objective is to develop a Carbon Technology Platform, redefine carbon farming and create a highly replicable and scalable business model in the Carbon Farming sector. 

Demonstrated in 4 living labs, INNO4CFIs is integrating highly innovative technologies including desalination-, mycelium-, satellite and space technologies. The project is also funding highly innovative carbon farming technologies with minimum TRL6 promoted by SMEs located in i3-eligible countries and related innovation ecosystems, through a cascade funding system. Thus improving European regional areas that have been selected to be at the forefront of European market innovation and enriching the competitive advantage of the targeted territories. 

Please subscribe here and follow us, or contact Vanessa Vivian Wabitsch via vanessa (at) for more information.

Circular City Challenge 2.0

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The Circular City Challenge is an innovation project by Circonnact, Circular Berlin, Circular Munich and Materialkreislauf that aims to bring circular solutions to cities. The goal is to support their implementation locally and to increase the quality of life by contributing to climate neutrality and urban transformation. After the success in 2022, the project will be continued in Berlin, Vienna, Munich and Stuttgart and expanded to additional cities.

As the circular economy is a key instrument to achieve climate neutrality, we get support from the Klima-Innovationsfond Stuttgart to extend the challenge to expand the network of circular-minded cities.

To increase the implementation probability, we will invest more time determining and specifying the challenges with the local partners, including trainings and workshops for communes to understand the circular economy better, find international solution providers, and help them with the matchmaking with city or district representatives. In parallel, we will develop a guidebook to establish the challenge as a regular event.

Please see here for more information.

Currently, we are looking for partners from cities, districts, or neighborhoods who are willing to find and implement circular solutions locally. Contact Andreas Ellenberger via andreas (at) for more information.

Embrace – Regenerative Tourism Implementation Support

Embrace – Regenerative Tourism Implementation Support 1400 900 Circonnact

Since March 2023, Vanessa Vivian Wabitsch from Circonnact has had the honor of supporting the implementation of the Destination regeneration plan by Whidbey and Camano Islands Tourism, Washington State, USA as Regenerative Tourism Lead with the Transformational Travel Council

In 2022, Whidbey and Camano Island Tourism started their journey to develop future-fit islands by regenerative development by tourism. They joined the Destination Regeneration program by the Transformational Travel Council as early adopters and developed the destination regeneration plan “EMBRACE – A Vision and Approach to our Desired Future for Whidbey and Camano Islands”. 

What does it take to bring the destination regeneration plan to life?

  • People who are motivated to implement the vision and plan
  • Very good collaboration and relationships among the team and with community members and other stakeholders
  • Strategy implementation plan and tools to enable self-organized co-work, coherent and effective processes
  • Capacity building, training, and co-design with the local community
  • Creativity, presence, aligned action.

We work on all of these aspects and are excited to support the pioneers to take the bold step and create the desired future for their place with the regenerative approach.

Interested in learning more and how you can develop your desired future by regenerative tourism, innovation, and leadership? Contact Vanessa Vivian Wabitsch via vanessa (at) .

Circular City Challenge – Final event Vienna

Circular City Challenge – Final event Vienna 1200 800 Circonnact

Wie sieht deine Stadt von morgen aus? Wir leben in spannenden Zeiten – der Zeit zur Transformation von einem linearen zum zirkulären System. Lerne zirkuläre Lösungen am 9./10. Juni in Wien Mitte, The Mall kennen!

Wir freuen uns attraktive zirkuläre Lösungen bei der finalen Ausstellung der Circular City Challenge zu zeigen! Diese wurden während der ersten Circular City Challenge in einem mehrstufigen Auswahlprozess von städtischen Partnern ausgewählt mit dem Ziel die Kreislaufwirtschaft zu fördern und florierende Städte zu schaffen.

Lerne LIVE Lösungen kennen, die einen nachhaltigen urbanen Lebensstil ermöglichen von FarmNow, Faircup, Cradle2Cradle NGO, HempstaticRemattress, Greenbag, Vytal und Fixfirst.

Parallel dazu gibt es inspirierende Gespräche mit ExpertInnen für Circular Economy. Siehe hier die Agenda der ExpertInnengespräche.

Mach bei der Circular Expedition mit und gewinne Gutscheine im Wert von 50€!

Die Initiative wurde als Kooperation der Organisationen Circular Berlin, Circonnact, Circular Munich und Materialkreislauf in Berlin, Wien, München und Stuttgart ins Leben gerufen. Das Ziel ist es, InnovatorInnen für kreislauffähige und nachhaltige Lösungen mit RepräsentantInnen der Städte zu vernetzen, um diese lokal umzusetzen.

Interessiert daran, das Projekt zu unterstützen? Kontaktiere gerne Andreas oder Vanessa.


What does your city of tomorrow look like? We live in exciting times – the time for transformation from a linear to a circular system. Learn about circular solutions on June 9/10 in Wien Mitte, The Mall!

We are happy to present attractive circular solutions at the final exhibition of the Circular City Challenge ! These were selected during the first Circular City Challenge in a multi-stage selection process by urban partners with the aim to promote the circular economy and create thriving cities.

Learn about solutions for a sustainable lifestyle LIVE by FarmNow, Faircup, Cradle2Cradle NGO, HempstaticRemattress, Greenbag, Vytal and Fixfirst.

In parallel, there will be inspiring talks with experts for Circular Economy. See here the agenda of the expert talks.

Join the Circular Expedition and win vouchers worth 50€!

The initiative was launched as a cooperation of the organizations Circular Berlin, Circonnact, Circular Munich and Materialkreislauf in Berlin, Vienna, Munich and Stuttgart. The goal is to connect innovators for circular and sustainable solutions with representatives of the cities in order to implement them locally.

If you want to support us in further developing the project, please contact Andreas or Vanessa.

Circular City Challenge 1.0

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The Circular City Challenge is a project to connect existing innovative circular solutions with city representatives for the transition of a linear to a circular economy. The goal is to support their implementation locally and to increase the quality of life with conscious and careful use of resources. In 2022 this project has been started by Circonnact as local coordinators for Vienna with the organizers of Circular Berlin, Circular Munich and Materialkreislauf in the cities of Berlin, Vienna, Munich and Stuttgart.

We identified local challenges together with local partners like the DoTank Circular City and WieNeu+ for city development, representatives from the 8th district (Bezirksvorstehung Josefstadt & Agenda Josefstadt), and project developers such as Zukunftshof and dieHauswirtschaft. Local promotion partners like Impact Hub, Vienna Business Agency, The Mall, What about the Future, Circular Economy Forum Austria and Thinkubator helped to spread the word and activate their network to distribute the idea.

During inspiring webinars supported by Ellen MacArthur Foundation, Circle Economy and the Circular Economy Chairman for Prague we gathered momentum and motivated more than 100 applications of solutions at least in the status of implementation concept. The local partner chose their most appealing ideas and at the end of April which will be pitched. One important factor is that we are not looking for “the best solution” because we think every applicant already is a winner.

We support to implement the solutions by providing visibility of the solutions and engaging stakeholders such as city representatives, companies and citizens. In Vienna, we organize the final event “Circular City Challenge – Wie sieht deine Stadt von morgen aus?” on 9 & 10 June 2022 in the center of Vienna at The Mall to showcase the variety of circular solutions, activate their uptake, educate and connect companies, citizens and city stakeholders.

If you want to support us in further developing the project, please contact Andreas or Vanessa.

Training Business Centers to consult on Circular Economy

Training Business Centers to consult on Circular Economy 1200 956 Circonnact

Micro and small companies represent the majority of businesses in most of the countries, and drivers of innovation and development of the economy. So it is important for them to understand and integrate circular economy solutions into their business. But how to address this in the best way, given that they often lack time to look in depth into the opportunities? If employees in the Business Centers and Agencies supporting these small companies understand what Circular Economy means, that would ensure that they integrate this thinking into their approach when consulting the small enterprises.

This is a project which Onda Circular, a Latin American organization, was leading with Sercotec in Chile from April to August 2021. They offer a platform for capacity building of the employees of >60 business centers nationwide and facilitated workshops to understand circular behavior with more than 400 employees attending. Andreas Ellenberger was supporting this project, facilitating workshops where the Business Centers were developing an initial life cycle analysis and circular business model canvas for one of their local companies to understand the opportunities if they apply circular solutions.

Equipped with that knowledge they worked with the entrepreneurs, how integrating the circular economy approaches, communicating their solution and finding additional partners for collaboration can contribute to the development of the small companies. In videos they presented the cases and have their own guideline to train, consult and inspire further entrepreneurs in their community. And as Chile has developed a national Circular Economy roadmap, they can contribute to a broader implementation.

Do you want to have impact in companies in your region? Contact Andreas! We develop programs locally to support the change to a circular society. Do you need an inspirational workshop, want to develop a program on capacity building or develop local circular solutions? Our services include different ways forward.

Circular & Nature-inspired Travel

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Circonnact explores and develops solutions for circular and nature-inspired travel in the context of the Challenge “Circular and Nature-inspired Travel” at the European Biomimicry Design Challenge.

How can we travel in a circular and regenerative way that is low-carbon? At the beginning of the UN Decade of Ecosystem Restoration, Cironnact decided to look into nature to explore this topic further and develop solutions. Circonnact hosted the challenge “Circular and Nature-inspired Travel” at the European Biomimicry Design Challenge (EBDC) organized by COBIOM. From January to April 2021, a team of biomimicry, business, research and communication specialists went through a nature-inspired innovation process and developed the concept of a regenerative travel hub called Wandering Gliders. 

Wandering Gliders aims to inspire and empower people in the transition to a more regenerative travel. Wandering Gliders offers exciting and meaningful travel experiences to reconnect with nature, people and oneself and by that contribute positively to a flourishing environment and communities. As a platform for regenerative and nature-inspired travel, it connects travelers and travel providers, raises awareness, provides tools for impactful travel experiences and supports travel business to rebuild in a regenerative way with training, co-creating solutions and consulting. The project was successfully presented and received at the final symposium of the EBDC (see the final video presentation). The next steps are to finetune the concept and submit it for the Biomimicry Global Design Challenge. Stay tuned!

For more information contact Vanessa Wabitsch via email vanessa (at)

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