
Regenerative Leadership – The key to a circular economy in harmony with people and nature

Regenerative Leadership – The key to a circular economy in harmony with people and nature 1920 946 Circonnact

The change towards a circular economy requires regenerative leadership skills to embed regenerative and circular practices into organizations, communities, and regions in a sustainable way. It starts with each person, who embodies regeneration and brings it to life in their environment. This leads to creating ripple effects on the community, organization, and socio-economic systems.

During this online event by Circonnact on 5 June, 4 – 5:30 pm CET you will get an introduction to regenerative leadership and identify key aspects to focus on being a leader of a circular economy in harmony with nature and people. This event happens in the context of the UN World Environment Day, the World Circular Economy Forum and the EU Green Week. It emphasizes the importance of regenerative leadership for a circular and nature-positive economy.

This interactive event will be hosted by Vanessa Vivian Wabitsch and Andreas Ellenberger. You will get an overview of regenerative leadership and best practices and exchange with peers on how to integrate it into daily life.

Sounds exciting? Register today!

The event is free of charge. We raise donations for a circular and nature-positive economy. All of the money will be dedicated to activities related to a circular and nature-positive economy and regenerative leadership. We will donate 30% of the money to a trustworthy partner for protecting and reforesting forests in Europe and the Amazon (TBD).

Any questions? Feel free to reach out to vanessa (at)

Circular City Challenge – Final event Vienna

Circular City Challenge – Final event Vienna 1200 800 Circonnact

Wie sieht deine Stadt von morgen aus? Wir leben in spannenden Zeiten – der Zeit zur Transformation von einem linearen zum zirkulären System. Lerne zirkuläre Lösungen am 9./10. Juni in Wien Mitte, The Mall kennen!

Wir freuen uns attraktive zirkuläre Lösungen bei der finalen Ausstellung der Circular City Challenge zu zeigen! Diese wurden während der ersten Circular City Challenge in einem mehrstufigen Auswahlprozess von städtischen Partnern ausgewählt mit dem Ziel die Kreislaufwirtschaft zu fördern und florierende Städte zu schaffen.

Lerne LIVE Lösungen kennen, die einen nachhaltigen urbanen Lebensstil ermöglichen von FarmNow, Faircup, Cradle2Cradle NGO, HempstaticRemattress, Greenbag, Vytal und Fixfirst.

Parallel dazu gibt es inspirierende Gespräche mit ExpertInnen für Circular Economy. Siehe hier die Agenda der ExpertInnengespräche.

Mach bei der Circular Expedition mit und gewinne Gutscheine im Wert von 50€!

Die Initiative wurde als Kooperation der Organisationen Circular Berlin, Circonnact, Circular Munich und Materialkreislauf in Berlin, Wien, München und Stuttgart ins Leben gerufen. Das Ziel ist es, InnovatorInnen für kreislauffähige und nachhaltige Lösungen mit RepräsentantInnen der Städte zu vernetzen, um diese lokal umzusetzen.

Interessiert daran, das Projekt zu unterstützen? Kontaktiere gerne Andreas oder Vanessa.


What does your city of tomorrow look like? We live in exciting times – the time for transformation from a linear to a circular system. Learn about circular solutions on June 9/10 in Wien Mitte, The Mall!

We are happy to present attractive circular solutions at the final exhibition of the Circular City Challenge ! These were selected during the first Circular City Challenge in a multi-stage selection process by urban partners with the aim to promote the circular economy and create thriving cities.

Learn about solutions for a sustainable lifestyle LIVE by FarmNow, Faircup, Cradle2Cradle NGO, HempstaticRemattress, Greenbag, Vytal and Fixfirst.

In parallel, there will be inspiring talks with experts for Circular Economy. See here the agenda of the expert talks.

Join the Circular Expedition and win vouchers worth 50€!

The initiative was launched as a cooperation of the organizations Circular Berlin, Circonnact, Circular Munich and Materialkreislauf in Berlin, Vienna, Munich and Stuttgart. The goal is to connect innovators for circular and sustainable solutions with representatives of the cities in order to implement them locally.

If you want to support us in further developing the project, please contact Andreas or Vanessa.

Circle17 Impacthon – Hackathon for circularity

Circle17 Impacthon – Hackathon for circularity 1200 616 Circonnact

The Circle17 Impacthon is a 3-day Hackathon organized by AustrianStartups and respACT. Purpose is to bring together Innovators and Startups with established corporates and organizations. They strive to solve pressing challenges in the area of circular economy to achieve the SDG. This year Circonnact accompanied the Hackathon with tools and personal engagement. 8 Challenges had been defined, and the teams were formed on Friday to think about different solutions.

To identify solutions for new business models which are based on systemic thinking and circularity, the teams used the Value Chain Canvas and Circular Canvas tools from Circulab. We provided the setup on the online collaboration platform for all teams to capture their ideas. In a workshop on Saturday morning we opened the room for innovation by explaining the various opportunites. It was important for us to explain the mindset for regenerative and circular solutions.

In the mentoring sessions we discussed the ideas with the teams, provided the perspective of circularity. The purpose is to open the space and giving ideas rather than telling the teams what to do – and this works very well. Openness, a critical perspective if the models are truly circular and reflection on how to apply it to a defined ecosystem are key success factors to come up with good solutions.

On Sunday, as a member of the Jury, Andreas was impressed how far the ideas had been thought through. The open atmosphere helped to bring up some questions on how to go the next steps to implementation. Apart from choosing the 4 most promising and circular ideas we look forward to further support implementation with the partners.

Circular Solutions for Entrepreneurship

Circular Solutions for Entrepreneurship 1920 1440 Circonnact

On 10 November 2021 Circonnact has contributed to the 7th Entrepreneurship Summit Austria, hosted by the Initiative for Teaching Entrepreneurship, IFTE. Andreas Ellenberger and Vanessa Vivian Wabitsch have conducted the workshop “Circular Canvas for entrepreneurship” with teachers and students to integrate circular economy in their entrepreneurial practices in schools.

Circular solutions allow to use capacities and resources in an optimal way. We explored various solutions for IT systems in schools at the workshop. These IT solutions are simple changes in processes, yet have a big impact. We need some changes and adaptations in the system and courageous and enthusiastic people to implemented them.

In addition, Andreas presented with the Cradle to Cradle NGO how to apply this school of thought in entrepreneurship teaching, together with Prof. Günter Faltin who has started various initiatives to show how problems can be solved with entrepreneurial spirit.

Working with IFTE and supporting entrepreneurship education with circular thinking is crucial for us, as there is still a lack in seeing sustainability as a driver for innovation. We have already been supporting as mentor and expert during Youth Entrepreneurship Weeks when schoolkids work on solutions for problems in their environment and develop sustainable and business oriented ways forward. It is very enriching talking to young people with fresh ideas who learn to structure their offer and convince partners to support them. They learn to pitch their idea, and this is a skill they can use in other areas as well.

Circular Food in Vienna

Circular Food in Vienna 1920 700 Circonnact

Interested in food that is good for people and the environment? Learn about circular food solutions in Vienna and contribute to the transition to circular food!

In the course of the Circular Cities Week 2021 of the Circular Economy Club, Circonnact organizes the circular field trip & workshop “Circular food: Regenerative and healthy nutritions in the city” on 28 October in Vienna. The language of the event will be German. Register today via this link!

Deutsche Beschreibung:

Interessiert an Ernährung, die gesund für Menschen und Umwelt ist? Lerne Circular Food Initiativen in Wien kennen und trage zur Realisierung bei!

Stell dir eine Stadt vor, in der es Lebensmittel gibt, die gesund sind, im Einklang mit der Umwelt produziert und so verteilt werden, dass alle satt werden und wenig übrig bleibt.

Im Rahmen der Circular Cities Week 2021 des Circular Economy Clubs organisiert Circonnact am 28. Oktober ab 15 Uhr die Circular Exkursion & Workshop “Circular Food: Kreislauffähige und gesunde Ernährung in der Stadt”.

Wie wird die Stadt Wien kreislauffähiger? Seit 3 Jahren bringt der Circular Economy Club Vienna im Rahmen der Circular Cities Week Menschen vor Ort dazu zusammen.Im Workshop dieses Jahr liegt unser Fokus auf dem Nahrungsmittelsystem (Food System). Gesunde Ernährung, Förderung regionaler Herstellung und Reduktion von Verschwendung sind 3 Themen, die uns aus zirkulärer Sicht betreffen. Doch es gibt noch mehr Ansätze:

Woher kommen Lebensmittel in einer zirkulären Stadt? Welche Verbindung hat gesunde Ernährung mit kreislauffähiger Nahrung? Welche Sharing-Konzepte braucht es im Lebensmittelbereich? Welche Rolle kann die Gastronomie spielen? Wie reduzieren wir die derzeit noch verschwendeten Lebensmittel in der Stadt? Können wir diese vermeiden, oder Reste und Abfallprodukte anders nutzen?

Das sind Fragen, für die zirkuläre Ansätze eine Lösung bieten, und in Wien gibt es bereits viele Akteure, die an den drängenden Herausforderungen arbeiten. Wir bringen diese zusammen und entwickeln gemeinsam Ideen, wie die Lösungen bekannter werden. Was braucht es von Seiten der öffentlichen Hand, von Unternehmen und Organisationen, von den BürgerInnen?

Auf Basis von Impulsen werden wir uns zu den Themen austauschen, um die Umsetzung von nachhaltigen und kreislauffähigen Lösungen zu beschleunigen. Als Impulsgeber und Mitentwickler dabei sind:

  • Andreas Gugumuck, Zukunftshof, dem Living Lab für Circular Food-Lösungen
  • Helene Pattermann, Alchemia-Nova, die im Projekt DIRECT-HUBS ein Konzept für ein nachhaltiges, kreislauffähiges Nahrungsmittelsystem in Städten erstellen
  • Daniel Schlögl, Ernährungsrat Wien stellt das Projekt „Wien is(s)t anders“ vor und gibt einen Einblick in IG FoodCoops und Regionalwert AG
  • Vanessa Baum vom Food-Atlas Wien, die einen ganzheitlichen Ansatz zu Lebensmitteln und Stadt erforschen

Mehr Informationen und Registrierung findest du hier. Wir freuen uns auf dich!

Regenerative Travel Experience at Green Festival

Regenerative Travel Experience at Green Festival 1920 1280 Circonnact

Discover how to travel in a way that is good for people, economy and the environment! Regenerative travel promotes sustainability and goes beyond – it adds value and recreates people, communities, economy and nature.

Circonnact hosts a Regenerative Travel Experience at the European Biomimicry Conference Green Festival from 5 – 7 November 2021 organized by Biomimicry Granada, Esada, Utrecht University and Cobiom. The activity “Travel inspired by nature – Your personal regenerative travel experience” is developed by Circonnact’s innovation project Wandering Gliders created by Vanessa Vivian Wabitsch and team. 

We will discover regenerative travel and how it is good for people (including oneSelf), economy and the environment. The regenerative travel experience starts during an online workshop one week before the conference. We will learn about the regenerative travel principles (RTPs) developed by Wandering Gliders, the travel etiquette for regenerative travelers and how to make our journey at the Green Festival regenerative. There will be 7 regenerative travel challenges related to the RTPs. They will allow us to connect with nature and people – locals and co-travelers, deepen the knowledge about how to travel regeneratively and have an enriched personal experience that will advance all upcoming journeys. We will tackle them as preparation for the trip to the Green festival and at the conference during the in-person workshop. During the in-person workshop we will deepen our knowledge about regenerative travel and living, experience how we can travel that way already now, discover Granada in a different way, co-create solutions and the regenerative travel vision for 2055. Join us!

Register here for the online workshop and start your regenerative travel experience.

Register here for the Green Festival and enjoy a regenerative travel experience.

For more information contact vanessa(at)

Co-design workshop: How to travel regeneratively?

Co-design workshop: How to travel regeneratively? 2560 1707 Circonnact

Traveling is natural. How can we travel in a way that is good for people, economy and environment?

During this “Co-design workshop: How to travel regeneratively” on 21 September organized by Circonnact, sustainability and travel enthusiasts and experts will learn about the regenerative travel principles and solutions developed by the nature-inspired innovation project Wandering Gliders. Furthermore all participants will bring together regenerative travel solutions for the Wandering Gliders tool “Regenerative Travel Guide” that will empower travelers around the world to have more joyful and meaningful travel experiences.

What is Wandering Gliders? Wandering Gliders is a project by Circonnact with the aim to inspire, connect and empower people in the transition to a more regenerative travel. A team of experts from various sectors develops a regenerative travel hub to raise awareness, co-create experiences & tools to travel inspired by nature.


  • Welcome & introduction to the Wandering Gliders Project
  • Regenerative Travel Experience in South Africa with The Lionheart Experience
  • Q&A
  • Co-Design session with all participants
  • Future Outlook

Sounds interesting? Register today and secure your place for this interactive co-design workshop (places are limited)!

For further information please contact Vanessa Vivian Wabitsch via vanessa(at) .

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