Circonnact shares the view on circular economy in the building sector with the next generation of architects.
Wonderland, a platform for European architecture, intends to integrate the circular mindset in architecture and invited Andreas for an interview. During the interview Andreas explains Circonnact’s thoughts on Circular Economy, explaining how he got to Circonnact and how everybody can engage with circular thinking.
See the video below and learn about the necessity to address challenges with a circular mindset. We look into examples of circular businesses, and had an interesting discussion with Bahanur Nasya, Director of Eutropian, on what kind of jobs and skills are needed in the future to run a circular economy. It covers the importance of craftsmanship, and while discussing we elaborated on some not so usual aspects of circularity as well, e.g. the need to move from a producing economy to a caring economy.
Wonderland is bringing together sustainably thinking young people who are looking to change the perspective of architecture in the future. We have been working with them on proposals for the EU Horizon Europe Green Deal projects in international consortia, and noticed that we are like-minded when it comes to involvement of stakeholders to engage for circular economy. As part of their publication on Circular Economy they were organizing webinars with people actively promoting circular solutions, to motivate young people in finding their way to work in the area of sustainability.